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Rev. Bras. Med. Fam. Comunidade ; 19(46): 3598, 20241804.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552240


Introdução: O câncer de pulmão é uma doença grave, sendo a segunda maior causa de morte em todo o mundo, entretanto, em alguns países desenvolvidos, tornou-se já a primeira causa de morte. Cerca de 90% dos casos de neoplasia pulmonares são causados pela inalação da fumaça do cigarro. Objetivo: Correlacionar a prevalência de tabagismo e morbimortalidade por câncer de pulmão nos estados brasileiros, além de demonstrar a associação destes com sexo e faixa etária. Métodos: Estudo de caráter ecológico acerca da prevalência de tabagismo e morbimortalidade por câncer de pulmão nos estados brasileiros, nos períodos de 2013 e 2019, dividida por sexo e faixa etária. Foram utilizados bancos de coleta de dados como o Tabnet e Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde. Resultados: As maiores taxas de mortalidade e internações hospitalares foram do público masculino, em 2013, com taxa de 2,7 e 10, respectivamente, e em 2019 com 3,3 e 11,9, respectivamente. Ademais, a maior prevalência de tabagismo foi encontrada nos homens; entretanto seu índice tem caído, enquanto a quantidade de mulheres tabagistas tem aumentado. A Região Sul demonstrou maiores números de mortalidade em ambos os períodos estudados, com taxas de 4,9 e 5,8 por 100 mil habitantes, e morbidade hospitalar com 19,9 e 23,5 por 100 mil habitantes. Já a Região Norte se configurou com as menores prevalências: em 2013 apresentou taxa de óbito por câncer de pulmão de 1,0 e morbidade hospitalar de 3,5/100 mil habitantes, em 2019 apresentou taxa de mortalidade de 4,6 e internações de 1,6/100 mil habitantes. Os coeficientes de correlação de morbidade hospitalar e prevalência de tabagismo foram R2=0,0628, r=0,251 e p=0,042, enquanto os de mortalidade e prevalência de tabagismo foram R2=0,0337, r=0,183 e p=0,140. Conclusões: Na presente pesquisa, pode-se inferir que houve associação positiva na comparação entre taxa de morbidade hospitalar e prevalência de tabagismo; em contrapartida, não foi possível observar associação positiva na correlação da taxa de mortalidade por câncer de pulmão e prevalência de tabagismo.

Introduction: Lung cancer is a serious disease, being the second leading cause of death worldwide. Moreover, in some developed countries, it has already become the leading cause of death. About 90% of lung cancer cases are caused by cigarette smoking. Objective: To correlate the prevalence of smoking and lung cancer morbidity and mortality in Brazilian states, and to demonstrate their association with sex and age group as well. Methods: An ecological study on the prevalence of smoking and lung cancer morbidity and mortality in Brazilian states between 2013 and 2019, divided by sex and age group. The data collection databases Tabnet and National Health Survey were used. Results: The highest rates of mortality and hospital admissions were among men, in 2013 with a rate of 2.7 and 10, respectively, and in 2019 with 3.3 and 11.9, respectively. In addition, the highest prevalence of smoking was found in men, but this rate has fallen, while the number of women smokers has increased. The South region showed higher mortality rates in both periods studied, with rates of 4.9 and 5.8 per 100,000 inhabitants, and hospital morbidity with 19.9 and 23.5 per 100,000 inhabitants. The North region had the lowest prevalence, where in 2013, it had a death rate from lung cancer of 1.0 and hospital morbidity of 3.5/100 thousand inhabitants, and where in 2019, it had a mortality rate of 4.6 and hospitalizations of 1.6/100 thousand inhabitants. The correlation coefficients for hospital morbidity and smoking prevalence were R2=0.0628, r=0.251 and p=0.042, while for mortality and smoking prevalence, these were R2=0.0337, r=0.183 and p=0.140. Conclusions: In the present study, it can be inferred that there was a positive association between hospital morbidity rate and prevalence of smoking, while it was not possible to observe a correlation between lung cancer mortality rate and prevalence of smoking.

Introducción: El cáncer de pulmón es una enfermedad grave, siendo la segunda causa de muerte en todo el mundo, sin embargo, en algunos países desarrollados, ya se ha convertido en la primera causa de muerte. Alrededor del 90% de los casos de neoplasias pulmonares están causados por la inhalación del humo del cigarrillo. Objetivo: Correlacionar la prevalencia de tabaquismo y la morbimortalidad por cáncer de pulmón en los estados brasileños, además de demostrar la asociación de estos con el género y el grupo de edad. Métodos: estudio ecológico sobre la prevalencia de tabaquismo y morbimortalidad por cáncer de pulmón en los estados brasileños, dentro de los períodos 2013 y 2019, divididos por sexo y grupo de edad. Se utilizaron bancos de recogida de datos como Tabnet y la Encuesta Nacional de Salud. Resultados: las mayores tasas de mortalidad e ingresos hospitalarios se dieron en el público masculino, en 2013 con una tasa de 2,7 y 10, respectivamente, y en 2019 con 3,3 y 11,9, respectivamente. Además, la mayor prevalencia del tabaquismo se encontró en los hombres, sin embargo, su tasa ha disminuido, mientras que la cantidad de mujeres fumadoras ha aumentado. La región Sur presentó cifras más altas de mortalidad en ambos periodos estudiados, con tasas de 4,9 y 5,8 por 100.000 habitantes, y de morbilidad hospitalaria con 19,9 y 23,5 por 100.000 habitantes. Mientras que la región Norte se configuró con las prevalencias más bajas, en 2013 presentó una tasa de mortalidad por cáncer de pulmón de 1,0 y una morbilidad hospitalaria de 3,5/100.000 habitantes, en 2019 presentó una tasa de mortalidad de 4,6 y hospitalizaciones de 1,6/100.000 habitantes. Los coeficientes de correlación para la morbilidad hospitalaria y la prevalencia del tabaquismo fueron R2=0,0628, r=0,251 y p=0,042, mientras que para la mortalidad y la prevalencia del tabaquismo fueron R2=0,0337, r=0,183 y p=0,140. Conclusiones: En la presente investigación se puede inferir que existe una asociación positiva en la comparación entre la tasa de morbilidad hospitalaria y la prevalencia de tabagismo, en contrapartida, no fue posible observar una asociación positiva en la correlación de la tasa de mortalidad por cáncer de pulmón y la prevalencia de tabagismo.

Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(2): 299-307, 20240220. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532686


Introducción. El aneurisma de la aorta abdominal (AAA) es la dilatación de la aorta abdominal mayor de 1,5 veces el diámetro esperado. Su prevalencia es variable, con tasas reportadas de hasta el 12,5 %. Se considera como causa de muerte de más de 10.000 personas al año en los Estados Unidos. El objetivo de esta revisión de la literatura fue describir los factores de riesgo y las herramientas de tamizaje de AAA. Métodos. Se realizó una búsqueda de la literatura utilizando dos ecuaciones en bases de datos electrónicas, empleando términos seleccionados de "Medical Subject Heading" (MeSH) y "Descriptores en Ciencias de la Salud" (DeCS). Se evaluó la calidad de los estudios con la herramienta STROBE (Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology). Resultados. Se recolectaron 40 artículos y a partir de ellos se construyó el texto de revisión, identificando en estos, los factores de riesgo asociados al desarrollo de AAA, tales como sexo masculino, tabaquismo, hipertensión arterial, antecedente familiar y obesidad, entre otros. La diabetes mellitus parece actuar como factor protector. Dentro de los instrumentos de tamizaje, el ultrasonido abdominal es uno de los más usados. Conclusión. El AAA es una patología multifactorial. En la actualidad la ultrasonografía de aorta es el método de elección para el tamizaje, permitiendo la detección precoz. El tamizaje de AAA con métodos no invasivos, como el ultrasonido, es útil sobre todo en zonas con prevalencia alta de la patología y en pacientes con determinados factores de riesgo.

Introduction. Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is a dilation of the abdominal aorta greater than 1.5 times the expected diameter. Its prevalence is variable, with reported rates of up to 12.5%. It is considered the cause of death of more than 10,000 people a year in the United States. The objective of this literature review was to describe risk factors and screening tools for AAA. Methods. A literature search was conducted using two equations in electronic databases, using terms selected from "Medical Subject Heading" (MeSH) and "Descriptors in Health Sciences" (DeCS). The quality of the studies was evaluated with the STROBE (Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology) tool. Results. Forty articles were collected and from them the review text was constructed, identifying the risk factors associated with the development of AAA, such as male sex, smoking, high blood pressure, family history and obesity, among others. Diabetes mellitus seems to act as a protective factor. Among the screening instruments, abdominal ultrasound is one of the most used. Conclusion. AAA is a multifactorial pathology. Currently, aortic ultrasonography is the method of choice for screening, allowing early detection. Screening for AAA with non-invasive methods, such as ultrasound, is useful especially in areas with a high prevalence of this pathology and in patients with certain risk factors.

Humans , Mass Screening , Aortic Aneurysm, Abdominal , Computed Tomography Angiography , Aortic Diseases , Tobacco Use Disorder , Ultrasonography
J. Health Biol. Sci. (Online) ; 12(1): 1-7, jan.-dez. 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530656


Introdução: O presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar e identificar a prevalência e fatores de risco associados ao tabagismo e outras formas de consumo de tabaco entre acadêmicos da saúde. Métodos: A pesquisa contou com 407 acadêmicos dos cursos de Biomedicina, Educação Física, Enfermagem, Farmácia, Fisioterapia e Nutrição de uma Instituição de Ensino Superior. A coleta de dados foi realizada no mês de maio de 2020, por um formulário eletrônico, disponibilizado em e-mail institucional, grupos de estudos e redes sociais. O procedimento ocorreu após aprovação pelo Comitê de Ética, cujo parecer 3.966.951. Resultados: A maioria dos participantes (79,6%) eram do sexo feminino, solteiros (75,2%) com idade média de 25,32 anos. O consumo de tabaco foi confirmado por 10,8% participantes. Quanto ao consumo de produtos derivados de tabaco 24,1% dos entrevistados já consumiram produto de tabaco, 8,6% assumiram tabagismo ocasional, e 4,2% tabagismo ativo. Conclusões: A associação entre tabagismo e as variáveis sociodemográficas demonstrou que alunos do curso de Farmácia (OR: 5,25 [IC:1,34-20,22] p=0,017), homens (OR: 1,71 [IC: 1,01 ­ 2,91]), estudantes turno matutino (OR: 1,96 [IC:1,02-3,78] p=0,04) e que residem com tabagistas (OR:4,44 [IC: 2,24-8,80]) apresentaram maiores chances de serem tabagista. A associação em relação ao consumo de derivados do tabaco, os homens apresentaram maiores prevalências de consumo de derivados de tabaco (OR: 1,71 [IC: 1,01 ­ 2,91] p=0,045) bem como, alunos do curso de Farmácia (OR: 6,40 [IC:2,31-17,7] P<0,01), que estudam no turno Noturno (OR:1,85 [IC:1,16-8,82] p=0,009) e entre os que residem com tabagistas (OR: 4,49 [IC:2,24-8,80] p<0,001).

Introduction: The present study aimed to investigate and identify the prevalence and risk factors associated with smoking and other forms of tobacco consumption among health academics. Methods: The survey involved 407 students from Biomedicine, Physical Education, Nursing, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy and Nutrition courses at a Higher Education Institution. Data collection was carried out in May 2020, through an electronic form, available in institutional email, study groups and social networks. The entire procedure took place after approval by the Ethics Committee. Results: Most participants (79.6%) were female, single (75.2%) with a mean age of 25.32 years. Tobacco consumption was confirmed by 10.8% of the participants. As for the consumption of tobacco products, 24.1% of the interviewees had already consumed some tobacco product, 8.6% assumed occasional smoking, and 4.2% active smoking. Conclusions: The association between smoking and sociodemographic variables showed that Pharmacy students (OR: 5.25 [CI:1.34-20.22] p=0.017), men (OR: 1.71 [CI: 1.01 ­ 2.91]), morning shift students (OR: 1.96 [CI:1.02-3.78] p=0.04) and those who live with smokers (OR:4.44 [CI : 2.24-8.80]) were more likely to be smokers. The association in relation to the consumption of tobacco derivatives, men had a higher prevalence of consumption of tobacco derivatives (OR: 1.71 [CI: 1.01 ­ 2.91] p=0.045) as well as Pharmacy students (OR: 6.40 [CI:2.31-17.7] P<0.01), those who study the night shift (OR:1.85 [CI:1.16-8.82] p=0.009 ) and among those who live with smokers (OR: 4.49 [CI:2.24-8.80] p<0.001).

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Tobacco Use Disorder , Students, Health Occupations
Rev. latinoam. enferm. (Online) ; 32: e4125, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1550984


Objective: to evaluate the evidence of validity of the internal structure and reliability of the Brazilian version of the Smoking Cessation Counseling instrument Method: psychometric study of confirmatory factor analysis and reliability carried out on 250 nurses in clinical practice. For the analysis of the convergent validity of the factor model, Average Variance Extracted values were calculated, and discriminant analysis was carried out using the Fornell-Larcker criterion. Reliability was examined using Cronbach's alpha coefficient and composite reliability Results: it was necessary to exclude seven items from the Advanced Counseling domain and one item from the Basic Counseling domain in order to properly obtain the Average Variance Extracted values and the Fornell-Larcker criterion. The composite reliability ranged from 0.76 to 0.86 and the overall Cronbach`s alpha coefficient was 0.86, ranging from 0.53 to 0.84 depending on the domain assessed. The final version of the instrument was made up of 16 items divided into 4 domains Conclusion: the Brazilian version of Smoking Cessation Counseling obtained adequate psychometric evidence of validity and reliability. Further studies are needed to refine the instrument.

Objetivo: evaluar las evidencias de validez de la estructura interna y de la confiabilidad de la versión brasileña del instrumento Smoking Cessation Counseling. Método: estudio psicométrico de análisis factorial confirmatorio y de confiabilidad realizado en 250 enfermeras de la práctica clínica. Para el análisis de la validez convergente del modelo factorial se calcularon valores de Average Variance Extracted, el análisis discriminante se realizó mediante el criterio de Fornell-Larcker. La confiabilidad se examinó por el coeficiente de alfa de Cronbach y por la confiabilidad compuesta. Resultados: fue necesaria la exclusión de siete ítems del dominio de Asesoramiento avanzado y un ítem del dominio Asesoramiento básico para obtener adecuadamente los valores de Average Variance Extracted y del criterio de Fornell-Larcker. La confiabilidad compuesta varió de 0,76 a 0,86 y el coeficiente de alfa de Cronbach global alcanzado fue de 0,86, variando de 0,53 a 0,84 dependiendo del dominio evaluado. Se obtuvo la versión final del instrumento compuesto de 16 ítems distribuidos en 4 dominios. Conclusión: la versión brasileña de Smoking Cessation Counseling obtuvo adecuadas evidencias psicométricas de validez y confiabilidad. Estudios posteriores serán necesarios para el refinamiento del instrumento.

Objetivo: avaliar as evidências de validade da estrutura interna e da confibialidade da versão brasileira do instrumento Smoking Cessation Counseling Método: estudo psicométrico de análise fatorial confirmatória e de confiabilidade realizado em 250 enfermeiras da prática clínica. Para a análise da validade convergente do modelo fatorial foram calculados valores de Average Variance Extracted , a análise discriminante foi realizada pelo critério de Fornell-Larcker. A confiabilidade foi examinada pelo coeficiente de alfa de Cronbach e pela confiabilidade composta Resultados: foi necessária a exclusão de sete itens do domínio de Aconselhamento avançado e um item do domínio Aconselhamento básico para obtenção adequada dos valores de Average Variance Extracted e do critério de Fornell-Larcker. A confiabilidade composta variou de 0,76 a 0,86 e o coeficiente de alfa de Cronbach global alcançado foi de 0,86, variando de 0,53 a 0,84 a depender do domínio avaliado. Obteve-se a versão final do instrumento composto de 16 itens distribuídos em quatro domínios Conclusão: a versão brasileira da Smoking Cessation Counseling obteve adequadas evidências psicométricas de validade e de confiabilidade. Estudos posteriores serão necessários para o refinamento do instrumento.

Public Health Nursing , Factor Analysis, Statistical , Tobacco Use Cessation , Counseling , Validation Study , Methods
Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 87(1): e2021, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1527816


ABSTRACT Purpose: To evaluate the effect of tobacco smoking on trabeculectomy outcomes. Methods: Charts of patients with glaucoma who underwent trabeculectomy performed by a single surgeon between 2007 and 2016 were retrospectively reviewed. Charts were screened for a documented history of smoking status before surgery. Demographic and clinical preoperative variables were recorded. Based on smoking history, subjects were divided into two groups: smokers and nonsmokers. Any bleb-related interventions (e.g., 5-flourouracil injections ± laser suture lysis) or bleb revision performed during the postoperative period were noted. Success was defined as an intraocular pressure >5 mmHg and <21 mm Hg without (complete success) or with (qualified success) the use of ocular hypotensive medications. Failure was identified as a violation of the criteria mentioned above. Results: A total of 98 eyes from 83 subjects were included. The mean age of the subjects was 70.7 ± 11.09 years, and 53% (44/83) were female. The most common diagnosis was primary open-angle glaucoma in 47 cases (47.9%). The smokers Group included 30 eyes from 30 subjects. When compared with nonsmokers, smokers had a significantly worse preoperative best-corrected visual acuity (p=0.038), greater central corneal thickness (p=0.047), and higher preoperative intraocular pressure (p=0.011). The success rate of trabeculectomy surgery at 1 year was 56.7% in the smokers Group compared with 79.4% in the Group nonsmokers (p=0.020). Smoking presented an odds ratio for failure of 2.95 (95% confidence interval, 1.6-7.84). Conclusion: Smokers demonstrated a significantly lower success rate 1 year after trabeculectomy compared with nonsmokers and a higher requirement for bleb-related interventions.

RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito do tabagismo nos desfechos da trabeculectomia. Métodos: Uma revisão retrospectiva do gráfico de pacientes com glaucoma submetidos à trabeculectomia foi realizada por um único cirurgião entre 2007 e 2016. Os gráficos foram examinados para uma história documentada de condição de fumante antes da cirurgia. Variáveis pré-operatórias clínicas e demográficas e clínicas foram registradas. Os pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos de acordo com sua história de tabagismo em fumantes e não fumantes. Quaisquer Intervenções relacionadas à bolha, por exemplo, injeções de 5-fluorouracil + lise de sutura com laser, ou revisão da bolha realizada durante o período pós-operatório foram observadas. O sucesso foi definido como pressão intraocular > 5 mmHg e < 21 mm Hg sem (sucesso completo) ou com (sucesso qualificado) medicamentos hipotensores oculares. A falha foi identificada como violação dos critérios mencionados acima. Resultados: O estudo incluiu 98 olhos de 83 pacientes com idade média de 70,7 ± 11,09 anos, sendo 53% (44/83) dos pacientes do sexo feminino. O diagnóstico mais comum foi o glaucoma de ângulo aberto primário com 47 casos (47,9%). O Grupo de fumantes incluiu 30 olhos de 30 pacientes. Os fumantes, quando comparados aos não fumantes, apresentaram uma melhor acuidade visual pré-operatória significativamente pior (p=0,038), maior espessura central da córnea (p=0,047) e maior pressão intraocular pré-operatória (p=0,011). A taxa de sucesso de um ano para a cirurgia de trabeculectomia foi de 56,7% no Grupo de fumantes contra 79,4% no Grupo de não fumantes (p=0,020). O tabagismo apresentou razão de chances para falha de 2,95 95% de IC (1,6-7,84). Conclusão: Os fumantes demonstraram uma taxa de sucesso significativamente menor em um ano após a trabeculectomia em comparação com os não fumantes e uma maior necessidade de intervenções relacionadas à bolha.

J. bras. pneumol ; 50(1): e20230233, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550514


ABSTRACT Although lung cancer (LC) is one of the most common and lethal tumors, only 15% of patients are diagnosed at an early stage. Smoking is still responsible for more than 85% of cases. Lung cancer screening (LCS) with low-dose CT (LDCT) reduces LC-related mortality by 20%, and that reduction reaches 38% when LCS by LDCT is combined with smoking cessation. In the last decade, a number of countries have adopted population-based LCS as a public health recommendation. Albeit still incipient, discussion on this topic in Brazil is becoming increasingly broad and necessary. With the aim of increasing knowledge and stimulating debate on LCS, the Brazilian Society of Thoracic Surgery, the Brazilian Thoracic Association, and the Brazilian College of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging convened a panel of experts to prepare recommendations for LCS in Brazil. The recommendations presented here were based on a narrative review of the literature, with an emphasis on large population-based studies, systematic reviews, and the recommendations of international guidelines, and were developed after extensive discussion by the panel of experts. The following topics were reviewed: reasons for screening; general considerations about smoking; epidemiology of LC; eligibility criteria; incidental findings; granulomatous lesions; probabilistic models; minimum requirements for LDCT; volumetric acquisition; risks of screening; minimum structure and role of the multidisciplinary team; practice according to the Lung CT Screening Reporting and Data System; costs versus benefits of screening; and future perspectives for LCS.

RESUMO O câncer de pulmão (CP) é uma das neoplasias mais comuns e letais no Brasil, e apenas 15% dos pacientes são diagnosticados nos estágios iniciais. O tabagismo persiste como o responsável por mais de 85% de todos os casos. O rastreamento do CP (RCP) por meio da TC de baixa dosagem de radiação (TCBD) reduz a mortalidade do CP em 20%, e, quando combinado com a cessação do tabagismo, essa redução chega a 38%. Na última década, diversos países adotaram o RCP como recomendação de saúde populacional. No Brasil, embora ainda incipiente, a discussão sobre o tema é cada vez mais ampla e necessária. Com o intuito de aumentar o conhecimento e estimular o debate sobre o RCP, a Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Torácica, a Sociedade Brasileira de Pneumologia e Tisiologia e o Colégio Brasileiro de Radiologia e Diagnóstico por Imagem constituíram um painel de especialistas para elaborar as recomendações para o RCP. As recomendações aqui apresentadas foram baseadas em revisão narrativa da literatura, com ênfase em grandes estudos populacionais, em revisões sistemáticas e em recomendações de diretrizes internacionais, sendo construídas após ampla discussão pelo grupo de especialistas. Os temas revisados foram os seguintes: porque rastrear, considerações gerais sobre tabagismo, epidemiologia do CP, critérios de elegibilidade, achados incidentais, lesões granulomatosas, modelos probabilísticos, requisitos mínimos da TCBD, aquisições volumétricas, riscos do rastreamento, estrutura mínima e papel da equipe multidisciplinar, conduta segundo o Lung CT Screening Reporting and Data System (Lung-RADS), custos vs. benefícios e perspectivas do rastreamento.

Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 24: e230065, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1550588


ABSTRACT Objective: To assess the level of oral cancer awareness and risk factors perception and the relationship between this awareness and the sociodemographic and behavioral characteristics. Material and Methods: This descriptive study was conducted among rural and urban residents in Lagos State, Nigeria. A multi-stage random sampling method was utilized. The sociodemographic and behavioral characteristics of respondents, as well as their knowledge about oral cancer risk factors, were assessed with a validated questionnaire. The bivariate association was done using an independent t-test and one-way ANOVA. Multivariate regression was used to determine the association between predictor variables and oral cancer knowledge scores. The statistical significance level is set at p<0.05. Results: 590 participants between 18 and 82 years (mean age 34.5 ±13.7) completed the survey. The prevalence of cigarette smoking was 25.7%, of which 16 (1.5%) were heavy smokers (20+ cigarettes per day). The prevalence of alcohol consumption was 66.1%, with 57 (9.7%) being heavy drinkers, consuming drinks for 5-7 days of the week. A high proportion of the respondents (>60%) exhibited gaps in their knowledge of oral cancer. Uneducated participants had lower oral cancer knowledge than those with >12 years of formal education (aOR = 5.347; 95% CI: 4.987-6.240). Participants who were smokers had lower oral cancer knowledge compared with non-smokers (aOR = 3.341; 95% CI: 2.147-4.783); Participants who consumed alcohol had more deficient oral cancer knowledge compared with non-drinkers (aOR = 1.699; 95% CI: 1.087-2.655); While heavy smokers aOR = 4.023; 95% CI: 3.615-4.825) and heavy drinkers aOR = 4.331; 95% CI: 3.158-5.939) had lower oral cancer knowledge compared with those who did not abuse both substances. Conclusion: A high proportion of the respondents exhibited gaps in their knowledge of oral cancer in their responses. Delayed diagnosis of oral cancer can be reduced by increasing the awareness and knowledge of the populace about risk factors and also in the recognition of its signs and symptoms.

São Paulo med. j ; 142(1): e2022355, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1450509


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: There is a lack of studies evaluating the oral health of traditional indigenous communities in Brazil. OBJECTIVES: Thus, the objective of this study was to describe the oral health characteristics of the indigenous Fulni-ô ethnic group in Northeast Brazil. DESIGN AND SETTING: A cross-sectional observational investigation was conducted within the Project on Atherosclerosis among Indigenous Populations. METHODS: This study included participants of both sexes from the Fulni-ô ethnic group. The participants included in this investigation underwent a comprehensive oral health evaluation by a registered and experienced dentist to assess oral health and identify potentially malignant oral lesions. Participants with suspicious lesions were referred for biopsy. Shapiro-Wilk, Mann-Whitney, and Student's t-tests were used, and measures of central tendency and dispersion were described. Statistical significance was 5%. RESULTS: A total of 104 individuals were included in this study. The prevalence of the use of tobacco derivatives was 94.0%, with similarities between sexes. The prevalence of oral changes in this study population was 84.4%. Fifty-one individuals who underwent oral reassessment were referred for oral lesion biopsy. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrated a high prevalence of oral alterations in the Fulni-ô population. Histopathological analyses indicated the presence of mild oral epithelial dysplasia in five cases.

Radiol. bras ; 56(6): 336-342, Nov.-Dec. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535044


Abstract Objective: To determine whether being a smoker and the years of smoking correlate with the presence and degree of meniscal injury. Materials and Methods: Individuals who underwent magnetic resonance imaging of the knee were divided into two groups: smokers and nonsmokers. For each smoker, the total smoking history was calculated by multiplying the daily consumption (packs/day) by the years of smoking, and the result is expressed as pack-years. In the evaluation of meniscal injury, the grade of injury was recorded. The thickness of the subcutaneous adipose tissue, as an indicator of obesity, was measured at the medial knee on axial plane images. The relationships that smoking and obesity had with meniscal injury were analyzed statistically. Results: A total of 156 individuals were included in the study. The smoker group consisted of 48 individuals (30.8%), and the nonsmoker group consisted of 108 (69.2%). The meniscus was normal in one (2.1%) of the smokers and in 32 (29.6%) of the nonsmokers (p < 0.0001). The median subcutaneous adipose tissue thickness was 23 mm and 24 mm in the smokers and nonsmokers, respectively (p = 0.900). A moderate but statistically significant correlation was observed between packs/day and injury grade, as well as between pack-years and injury grade (r = 0.462, p = 0.001 and r = 0.523, p = 0.001, respectively). Smoking and age significantly increased the risk of meniscal injury, by 31.221 times (p = 0.001) and 1.076 times (p < 0.001), respectively. Conclusion: Our findings indicate that current smoking and smoking history correlate significantly with meniscal injury grade.

Resumo Objetivo: Determinar a correlação do tabagismo e do tempo de tabagismo com a presença e o grau de lesão do menisco. Materiais e Métodos: Foram incluídos pacientes submetidos a ressonância magnética do joelho e divididos em dois grupos: fumantes e não fumantes. O consumo total de cigarros dos pacientes foi calculado multiplicando-se a quantidade diária de cigarros (maços/dia) pelo tempo de tabagismo (anos). O grau mais alto de lesão foi registrado na avaliação da lesão meniscal. A espessura do tecido adiposo subcutâneo foi medida com base em imagem do joelho em plano axial, como indicador de obesidade. A relação entre tabagismo, obesidade e lesão meniscal foi analisada estatisticamente. Resultados: Foram incluídos no estudo 156 indivíduos. O grupo de fumantes consistiu de 48 (30,8%) indivíduos e o grupo de não fumantes, de 108 (69,2%) indivíduos. O menisco estava normal em um (2,1%) fumante e em 32 (29,6%) não fumantes (p < 0,0001). A espessura média do tecido adiposo subcutâneo em fumantes foi 23 mm e nos não fumantes foi 24 mm, com valor de p = 0,900. Foi observada correlação moderada e estatisticamente significante entre o grau de lesão por pacote/dia (r = 0,462, p = 0,001) e o grau de lesão por pacote × ano (r = 0,523, p = 0,001). O tabagismo e a idade afetaram significativamente o risco de lesão do menisco (31,221 vezes, p = 0,001 e 1,076 vez, p < 0,001, respectivamente). Conclusão: Foi encontrada correlação significativa entre tabagismo/dia e grau de lesão do menisco e pacote de tabagismo × ano e grau de lesão do menisco.

Bol. méd. Hosp. Infant. Méx ; 80(6): 345-354, Nov.-Dec. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1527962


Abstract Background: Teenage pregnancy is a significant public health issue in Mexico; its prevalence oscillates around 20% of all pregnancies. Concurrently, alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drug use have become more common in this age group. Methods: To estimate the prevalence of substance exposure in a population of pregnant teenagers, we conducted a prospective, observational, and cross-sectional study. The protocol was approved by the institutional review board. On informed consent, we asked 420 consecutive pregnant youngsters cared for at the outpatient obstetric service of a tertiary public regional women´s and children´s hospital in Nuevo León, in northeast Mexico, to answer a previously validated questionnaire to estimate the prevalence of alcohol, tobacco, or illicit drugs use during pregnancy. Results: Of the 420 participants, 317 (75.5%) consumed at least one substance during pregnancy. Alcohol, either alone or in combination, was consumed by 300 (71.7%) participants. Tobacco was used by 117 (27.8%) participants, almost always in combination with other substances, while marijuana and other illicit drugs were consumed by 92 (21.9%) participants. Approximately one-fourth of the participants, 102 (24.1%) reported no substance use during pregnancy. Conclusions: In this series, the reported prevalence of alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drugs consumption during pregnancy, explored with a validated instrument, is higher than that previously reported in our country. This fact offers a worrying picture of another set of factors adding to the burden of teenage pregnancy.

Resumen Introducción: El embarazo en la adolescencia ha adquirido gran importancia en la salud pública en México; su prevalencia oscila alrededor del 20% de los embarazos. Paralelamente, el consumo de alcohol, tabaco y drogas ilícitas en este periodo es cada vez más común en estas jóvenes. Métodos: Para estimar la prevalencia de exposición a estas substancias en adolescentes embarazadas, se llevó a cabo un estudio prospectivo, observacional y transversal. El protocolo fue aprobado por los Comités de Ética e Investigación. Previo consentimiento informado, se solicito a 420 jóvenes embarazadas atendidas en la clínica prenatal del hospital materno-infantil más grande en Nuevo León, que respondieran un cuestionario previamente validado para estimar la prevalencia del consumo de substancias. Resultados: De 420 participantes, 317 (75.5%) consumieron al menos una de estas sustancias durante el embarazo. El alcohol, solo o en combinación, fue consumido por 300 (71.5%). El tabaco fue usado por 117 (27.8%), casi siempre en combinación con otras sustancias, mientras que la mariguana y otras drogas ilícitas fueron consumidas por 92 (21.9%) participantes. Alrededor de una cuarta parte del grupo estudiado (24.1%) reportó no haber consumido ninguna de estas substancias en su embarazo. Conclusiones: En nuestra serie, la prevalencia de consumo de alcohol, tabaco y drogas ilícitas durante el embarazo, explorada con un instrumento validado, es mayor de la reportada en estimaciones previas en nuestro país. Estos datos ofrecen un panorama preocupante de una serie de factores que se agregan a la carga del embarazo en la adolescencia.

Salud ment ; 46(6): 325-331, Nov.-Dec. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530385


Abstract Background Information on the way menstrual cycle phases can influence the achievement of tobacco abstinence is contradictory. Objective A scope review was conducted to determine the effect of the menstrual cycle on tobacco abstinence, considering the phases of the cycle, hormone levels, and premenstrual syndrome. Method A literature search was conducted in Scopus, PubMed, MEDLINE, and PsycINFO databases. Ten articles comparing the phases of the menstrual cycle or analyzing the association between premenstrual syndrome and a withdrawal condition (length of abstinence or withdrawal symptoms) were included. Results Two main results were identified: 1) there is no difference in withdrawal symptoms and craving between menstrual cycle phases and 2) abstinence rates in the studies were higher during the luteal phase. Discussion and conclusion The advisability of suggesting that women wishing to quit smoking should begin to do so at the start of the luteal phrase is discussed. However, smoking cessation interventions must consider all the symptoms experienced during the luteal phase.

Resumen Antecedentes La información sobre cómo las diferentes fases del ciclo menstrual pueden influir en el logro de la abstinencia de tabaco es contradictoria. Objetivo Se realizó una revisión de alcance con el fin identificar la evidencia relacionada al efecto del ciclo menstrual en la abstinencia de tabaco, considerando las variables fases del ciclo, niveles hormonales y síndrome premenstrual. Método Se llevó a cabo una búsqueda de la literatura en las bases de datos Scopus, PubMed, MEDLINE y PsycINFO. Se incluyeron diez artículos que realizaban comparaciones entre las fases del ciclo menstrual o bien análisis entre el síndrome premenstrual y una condición de abstinencia (tiempo de abstinencia o síntomas de abstinencia). Resultados Se identificaron dos resultados principales 1) no hay diferencia en los síntomas de abstinencia y el deseo por fumar entre las fases del ciclo menstrual y 2) las tasas de abstinencia de los estudios fueron mayores durante la fase lútea. Discusión y conclusión Se discute si en la fase lútea se puede sugerir el inicio de la abstinencia en mujeres que buscan dejar de fumar, sin embargo, las intervenciones para dejar de fumar deben tomar en cuenta todos los síntomas que se experimentan en la fase lútea.

Medisur ; 21(6)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550562


Fundamento el tabaquismo en la adolescencia constituye un problema de salud pública mundial, al punto de ser considerado la principal causa prevenible de enfermedad y muerte prematura. Objetivo describir el comportamiento del tabaquismo en adolescentes. Métodos estudio de corte transversal, realizado en el periodo septiembre-diciembre de 2022. De un universo de 1561 adolescente de 15-19 años de edad, se seleccionó una muestra de 1444 (92,50 %) mediante muestreo deliberado. Las variables del estudio: edad, sexo, fumador, exfumador, edad de inicio, años fumando, número de cigarrillos consumidos por día, carga tabáquica, dependencia y motivación. Resultados la prevalencia de tabaquismo resultó de 17,94 %. El 0,83 % de los adolescentes expresó haber abandonado el hábito (exfumadores). El 55,98 % tenía entre 17-18 años de edad, y el 77,61 % perteneció al sexo masculino. El 64,86 % comenzó a fumar entre los 12 y 14 años, el 52,51 % fumaba desde hacía 1-2 años; mientras un 59,85 % consumía entre 6-10 cigarrillos diarios. La carga tabáquica recibida por el 44,34 % resultó 0,25-0,50. El 57,08 % declaró dependencia física baja, y el 81,13 % motivación baja. Conclusiones la prevalencia del tabaquismo en los adolescentes de Moa fue similar a la reportada por otras investigaciones. Resulta preocupante que más de la mitad de la población estudiada consuma cigarros desde los 12-14 años, y que, a pesar de mostrar bajos niveles de dependencia, no sientan motivación por abandonar este mal hábito.

Foundation smoking in adolescence constitutes a global public health problem, is being considered the main preventable cause of illness and premature death. Objective to describe smoking behavior in adolescents. Methods cross-sectional study, carried out from September to December 2022. From a universe of 1,561 adolescents aged 15-19, a sample of 1,444 (92.50%) was selected through deliberate sampling. The study variables: age, sex, smoker, ex-smoker, age of initiation, years of smoking, number of cigarettes consumed per day, smoking load, dependence and motivation. Results the prevalence of smoking was 17.94%. 0.83% of adolescents expressed having quit the habit (ex-smokers). 55.98% were between 17-18 years of age, and 77.61% were male. 64.86% started smoking between 12 and 14 years old, 52.51% had been smoking for 1-2 years; while 59.85% consumed between 6-10 cigarettes a day. The smoking burden received by 44.34% was 0.25-0.50. 57.08% declared low physical dependence, and 81.13% reported low motivation. Conclusions the prevalence of smoking in Moa adolescents was similar to that reported by other investigations. It is worrying that more than half of the population studied consumes cigarettes from the age of 12-14, and that, despite showing low levels of dependence; they do not feel motivated to abandon this bad habit.

Rev. argent. cardiol ; 91(3): 197-204, oct. 2023. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535483


RESUMEN Introducción : El consumo de tabaco es la principal causa de defunción por enfermedades no transmisibles como las cardiopatías, las neumopatías y el cáncer. Estimar la mortalidad atribuida al consumo de tabaco dependiente de su prevalencia se basa en el conocimiento previo del número de fumadores, exfumadores y no fumadores en la población. Estos datos provienen de las cuatro Encuestas Nacionales de Factores de Riesgo (ENFR). Objetivos : El presente trabajo pretende mostrar la carga de mortalidad por consumo de tabaco en la Provincia de Buenos Aires en los períodos de relevamiento de las cuatro ENFR (2005-2009-2013-2018). Material y métodos : La mortalidad atribuible fue calculada utilizando un método dependiente de la prevalencia, y asumiendo los riesgos asociados al consumo en las 19 causas clasificadas como asociadas al tabaquismo según el estudio Cancer Prevention Study II (CPSII). Las defunciones fueron agrupadas en períodos equivalentes a los relevamientos de cada ENFR. Las fracciones atribuibles del CSPII se aplicaron entonces calculando las defunciones absolutas y atribuibles de mortalidad por causa y sus agrupamientos: tumores, circulatorias y respiratorias. Resultados : Globalmente, para todas las edades de 18 años y más, se pasó de una prevalencia de tabaquismo del 29,5% en 2005 al 23,1% en 2018 (reducción absoluta de 6,4% y porcentual del 21,7%). De las 18 255 muertes producidas por enfermedades cardiovasculares coincidentes con los cuatro relevamientos, 6293 fueron atribuibles al tabaquismo (34,4%), frente al 68% de las muertes por tumores y el 40% de las muertes de causa respiratoria. Conclusión : Se hace necesario fortalecer aún medidas para reducir la exposición al tabaco.

ABSTRACT Background : Tobacco consumption is the leading cause of death from non-communicable diseases, such as heart disease, lung disease and cancer. Estimating prevalence-based mortality attributed to tobacco consumption is based on prior knowledge of the number of smokers, ex-smokers, and non-smokers in the population. These data derive from the four National Surveys of Risk Factors (Encuestas Nacionales de Factores de Riesgo, ENFR). Objectives : This study aims to show the burden of mortality due to tobacco consumption in the Province of Buenos Aires in the assessed periods of the four ENFRs (2005, 2009, 2013, 2018). Methods : Mortality attributable to tobacco consumption was estimated by using a prevalence-based method and assuming the risks associated with smoking in the 19 causes classified as associated with smoking, in accordance with the Cancer Prevention Study II (CPSII). The deaths were grouped into periods equivalent to those relevant to each ENFR. The CSPII attributable fractions were then applied by estimating the absolute deaths and attributable fractions of mortality by cause and groupings: tumours, circulatory diseases and respiratory diseases. Results : Overall, in persons aged 18 years or older, there was a decrease in smoking prevalence from 29.5% in 2005 to 23.1% in 2018 (an absolute reduction of 6.4% and a percentage reduction of 21.7%). A total of 6293 out of 18 255 deaths from cardiovascular diseases in the four surveys were attributed to smoking, that is, 34.4%, compared to 68% of deaths from tumours and 40.0% of deaths from respiratory diseases. Conclusion : It is necessary to further strengthen measures to reduce exposure to tobacco.

Medisur ; 21(4)ago. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514589


Fundamento la eritroplasia es la lesión precancerosa más agresiva de la cavidad oral, con un gran potencial de transformación maligna. Al momento de practicar la biopsia y analizar la muestra, puede aparecer una displasia severa o un carcinoma invasivo. Objetivo describir las manifestaciones clínicas e histopatológicas de la eritroplasia bucal en pacientes fumadores activos de tabaco. Métodos se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal, con 12 fumadores diagnosticados clínica e histopatológicamente con eritroplasia bucal, atendidos en la consulta estomatológica del Policlínico de Especialidades del Hospital Saturnino Lora Torres, de Santiago de Cuba. Para la recolección del dato primario se confeccionó una encuesta con las variables: edad, sexo, diagnóstico clínico, tiempo en el hábito de fumar, diferentes formas de consumir tabaco, localización anatómica y estudio histopatológico de la enfermedad. Resultados prevaleció el sexo masculino, el grupo etario de 60 y más años, y los fumadores convencionales de 21 y más años. El infiltrado inflamatorio crónico intenso y la displasia epitelial severa resultaron los cambios hísticos más comunes. Los signos displásicos tisulares mayormente implicados fueron la alteración de los clavos interpapilares, pérdida de la polaridad de las células basales e hiperplasia de las células del estrato basal; mientras que los displásicos citológicos más relevantes resultaron la hipercromasia de núcleos y nucleolos, el pleomorfismo nuclear y el aumento de la relación núcleo-citoplasma, siendo el paladar blando el sitio más frecuente. Conclusiones todos los pacientes fumadores mostraron lesiones eritroplásicas al examen clínico bucal, lo cual fue confirmado por estudio histopatológico.

Foundation erythroplasia is the most aggressive precancerous lesion in the oral cavity, with great potential for malignant transformation. At the time of performing the biopsy and analyzing the sample, severe dysplasia or invasive carcinoma may appear. Objective to describe the clinical and histopathological manifestations of oral erythroplasia in patients who are active tobacco smokers. Methods a descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out, with 12 smokers clinically and histopathologically diagnosed with oral erythroplasia, attended in the Specialties Polyclinic stomatological consultation of the Saturnino Lora Torres Hospital, in Santiago de Cuba. For the collection of the primary data, a survey was made with the variables: age, sex, clinical diagnosis, time in the smoking habit, different ways of consuming tobacco, anatomical location and histopathological study of the disease. Results the male sex, the age group of 60 years old and over, and conventional smokers of 21 and over prevailed. Intense chronic inflammatory infiltrate and severe epithelial dysplasia were the most common tissue changes. The tissue dysplastic signs most involved were alteration of the interpapillary nails, loss of polarity of the basal cells, and hyperplasia of the basal layer cells; while the most relevant cytological dysplastics were hyperchromasia of nuclei and nucleoli, nuclear pleomorphism and increased nucleus-cytoplasm ratio, with the soft palate being the most frequent site. Conclusions all the smoking patients showed erythroplastic lesions on oral clinical examination, which was confirmed by histopathological study.

Medisur ; 21(4)ago. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514590


El consumo de cigarrillos y tabacos crea una externalidad que tiene mayor relevancia en el detrimento de la calidad de vida y de la expectativa de vida que experimenta el individuo fumador con relación a los que no consumen cigarrillos o tabacos. el costo psicosocial no cuantificado de forma financiera supera con creces cualquier expectativa de beneficio económico. El presente artículo versa en torno al impacto socioeconómico del tabaquismo en Cuba. La distribución económica inducida por el tabaquismo conlleva a la persistencia de una inequidad socioeconómica tal, que se agudiza con el número de fumadores y la intensidad del consumo de cigarrillos y tabáquico. Este fenómeno contradice el principio socialista de distribución con arreglo al trabajo, donde los no fumadores no deberían cargar con las consecuencias del tabaquismo y los propios fumadores no deberían ser inducidos a persistir en el consumo tabáquico. La sutileza de los costos sociales atribuibles al tabaquismo y el impacto de los beneficios del comercio interior y exterior, no permiten valorar en su completa dimensión los principales efectos del tabaquismo desde el aspecto socioeconómico.

The cigarettes and tobacco consumption creates an externality that is more relevant in the detriment of the life quality and life expectancy experienced by the individual smoker, in relation to those who do not consume cigarettes or tobacco. The psychosocial cost not financially quantified far exceeds any expectation of economic benefit. This article deals with the socioeconomic impact of smoking in Cuba. The economic distribution induced by smoking leads to the persistence of such socioeconomic inequity, which worsens with the number of smokers and the intensity of cigarette and tobacco consumption. This phenomenon contradicts the socialist principle of distribution according to work, where non-smokers should not bear the consequences of smoking and smokers themselves should not be induced to persist in smoking. The subtlety of the social costs attributable to smoking and the impact of the benefits of domestic and foreign trade do not allow a full assessment of the main effects of smoking from the socioeconomic aspect.

Indian J Cancer ; 2023 Jun; 60(2): 160-166
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221770


Background: Tobacco is a major risk factor associaetd with developing oral factor. Recent studies have shown that the age of onset, especially in Asia, is reducing. This study was to determine if tobacco exposure correlated with prognosis in oral squamous cell carcinoms (OSCC) based on age at diagnosis. Methods: Six hundred and forty three patients of OSCC treated in our institution were divided into four groups, younger patients (?45 years) with or without tobacco exposure and older patients (>45 years) with or without tobacco exposure, and compared with respect to prognostically relevant variables, disease?free survival (DFS) and overall survival (OS). Survival analysis was performed. Results: The percentage of those with tobacco exposure was comparable in both age groups. Tobacco correlated with known pathological determinants in OSCC; however, perineural invasion, lymphovascular invasion, and extranodal extension were significantly more common in the young. On survival analysis, tobacco exposure impacted OS (P = 0.04) and DFS (P = 0.03) in patients ?45 years, and not in older patients >45 years. On multivariate analysis, tobacco exposure in the young was significantly associated with recurrence (P = 0.03, hazard ratio (HR) 1.77, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.07�94) but not survival. Conclusion: Younger patients with a history of tobacco use have a significantly higher risk of recurrence and mortality due to OSCC, but this difference could not be attributed to any of the known prognostic determinants in OSCC. Younger patients also had more adverse pathological features. Whether this occurs because of altered disease biology or pathways of carcinogenesis in the young wi

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221431


The impact of tobacco on health status is boundless. Smoking tobacco is responsible for various diseases including cancer, cardiovascular disease, pulmonary disease, periodontal disease etc. Smoking has been identified as a major risk factor in the development and progression of periodontal disease. Smoking cessation reduces the risk of many diseases. However cravings and withdrawal syndromes have been associated with smoking relapse. Thus exercise plays a significant role in the management of tobacco withdrawal symptoms and cravings that anticipate smoking relapse.

Rev. baiana saúde pública ; 47(1): 129-148, 20230619.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1438264


A pandemia do coronavírus criou incertezas sobre os impactos da doença na saúde dos universitários relacionados ao padrão de uso de substâncias psicoativas. O objetivo deste estudo foi estimar a prevalência e os fatores associados ao uso de álcool, tabaco e drogas ilícitas entre universitários da área da saúde antes e durante a pandemia da covid-19. Trata-se de um estudo transversal com inquéritos repetidos. Para determinar o padrão de uso das substâncias psicoativas, utilizou-se o Teste de Triagem do Envolvimento com Álcool, Tabaco e Outras Substâncias (ASSIST). Foi realizada a análise de regressão logística com a medida do desfecho expressa por odds ratio e intervalo de confiança de 95%. Obtiveram-se as seguintes associações para o maior consumo de substâncias psicoativas antes da pandemia: homossexuais/bissexuais e tabaco no mês; não iniciantes no curso e álcool (na vida e no mês) e drogas ilícitas na vida. Ademais, a análise ajustada dos estudantes durante a pandemia demonstrou que a associação foi mantida: homossexuais/bissexuais e tabaco na vida e no mês, álcool no mês e drogas ilícitas na vida. Concluiu-se que a universidade deve buscar a implementação de políticas de assistência estudantil, garantindo aos alunos um bem-estar físico e emocional.

The coronavirus pandemic created uncertainty about the health impacts of the disease on college students related to the pattern of psychoactive substance use. The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence and factors associated with alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drug use among university health students before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is a cross-sectional study, with repeated surveys. To determine the pattern of psychoactive substance use the Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test ­ (ASSIST) was used. The logistic regression analysis was performed with the measurement of the outcome expressed by odds ratio and 95% confidence interval. The following associations were obtained for the highest consumption of psychoactive substance before the pandemic: homosexuals/bisexuals and tobacco in the month; non-beginners in the course and alcohol (in life and in the month), and illicit drugs in life. Furthermore, the adjusted analysis of students during the pandemic showed that the association remained: homosexuals/bisexuals and tobacco in life and month, alcohol in month, and illicit drugs in life. In conclusion, the university must seek to implement student assistance policies, guaranteeing students' physical and emotional wellbeing.

La pandemia de coronavirus produjo incertidumbres sobre las repercusiones de la enfermedad en la salud de los estudiantes universitarios relacionadas con el patrón de consumo de sustancias psicoactivas. El objetivo de este estudio es estimar la prevalencia y los factores asociados al consumo de alcohol, tabaco y drogas ilícitas entre los estudiantes universitarios del área de la salud antes y durante la pandemia de COVID-19. Se trata de un estudio transversal, con encuestas repetidas. Para determinar el patrón de consumo de sustancias psicoactivas, se utilizó la Prueba de Detección de Consumo de Alcohol, Tabaco y Sustancias ­ASSIST. Se realizó un análisis de regresión logística con la medida de resultado expresada por odds ratio y un intervalo de confianza del 95%. Se obtuvieron las siguientes asociaciones para el mayor consumo antes de la pandemia: homosexuales/bisexuales y tabaco en el mes; no iniciados en el curso y alcohol (en la vida y en el mes) y drogas ilícitas en la vida. Además, el análisis ajustado de los estudiantes en la pandemia se mantuvo asociado con: homosexuales/bisexuales y tabaco en la vida y el mes, alcohol en el mes y drogas ilícitas en la vida. Se concluye que la universidad debe implementar políticas de asistencia a los estudiantes para garantizarles bienestar físico y emocional.

Psychotropic Drugs
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-223543


Sustainable development goals (SDGs) were meant to put each and everywhere ‘at par’. The tobacco epidemic globally is one major deterrent to their achievement. While it gets addressed under SDG 3 through the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) - the World Health Organization (WHO) global treaty (the target 3.a of SDG 3), the progress made globally and by India is slow. As a result, many countries may fall short of achieving the target of reducing tobacco usage (taking 2016 as base year) by 30 per cent by the year 2030. India with its high burden of tobacco use and abysmally low quitting along with soaring economic costs of tobacco related diseases and deaths can do better with the engagement of multisectoral stakeholders to strengthen tobacco control under SDGs. Moreover, there is a need to emphasize that the goal of O - Offer to Quit of WHO MPOWER can be achieved through increasing ‘onus’ on policy makers, and strategists, and opportunities for masses, tobacco users, healthcare professionals (HCPs) and enforcers to have tobacco cessation delivered optimally. By doing so, the United Nations can significantly facilitate a reduction in tobacco use and the resultant economic costs. Furthermore, it will assist the WHO to fulfil the targets set for 2030 under SDG 3.a by the FCTC member countries. In addition, it will fulfil the vision and mission defined in the Chandigarh declaration of the 5th National Conference on Tobacco or Health for India to be tobacco free by 2030.

Interdisciplinaria ; 40(1): 7-23, abr. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430584


Resumen La investigación moderna, tanto en humanos como preclínica, que utiliza modelos animales indica que fumar durante la edad adolescente resulta en cambios cerebrales y psicológicos a corto y largo plazo en el fumador, así como en un aumento significativo en los riesgos de desarrollar adicción al tabaco durante la vida. Por lo tanto, en la presente revisión narrativa se describirán y profundizarán los hallazgos investigativos modernos de la psicobiología de la adolescencia y los efectos del tabaco en el desarrollo, con un énfasis particular en la comprensión de los efectos psicológicos y cerebrales del consumo de tabaco durante la adolescencia, tanto a corto como a largo plazo. Se considerarán de manera detallada los avances investigativos sobre la psicobiología de la adolescencia y sus riesgos en las adicciones desde los aspectos: conductual, cognitivo, reactividad al estrés y psicobiología. Sobre esta base, se revisará la investigación sobre la psicobiología de la adolescencia y la evidencia de vulnerabilidad a la adicción durante esta etapa. Al final, se abordarán los efectos del tabaco en el cerebro y conducta durante el desarrollo adolescente y vida posterior, ya que se ha encontrado evidencia relacionada con alteraciones cerebrales crónicas en los sistemas colinérgicos y regiones cerebrales asociadas con la dependencia de la nicotina. Se espera que la revisión y divulgación de esta información en el idioma español sea de valor para la comprensión de los problemas de vulnerabilidad y predisposiciones a la adicción al tabaco en el contexto de Latinoamérica.

Abstract Tobacco use and its harmful health-related problems have become one of the largest modern preventable public health issues. Current research strongly suggests that smoking during adolescence enhances addictive smoking behaviors during life, which can be related to adolescence as a critical ontogenetic period characterized by behaviors that can increase the probability of risk-related behaviors such as sensation and novelty seeking. Adolescent development is also a period of maturation of frontal and subcortical neural systems, brain changes that underlie higher impulsivity tendencies to promote adequate learning and adaptations necessary to succeed the novel challenges of the adult life, but those changes also enhance vulnerabilities to the addictive effects of drugs. Consistent with this, tobacco use affects brain development processes which underlie long-term psychobiological alterations and the enhanced risks for tobacco addiction during adult life. Thus, the present review describes current psychobiological approaches to understand general addiction processes and tobacco addiction, highlighting the behavioral and neural short-term effects of tobacco use during adolescence and its long-term effects during adulthood. Current research has advanced on four aspects for the understanding of both the psychobiology of adolescent development and the effects of drugs of abuse during this time. The first aspect is behavioral, as adolescence is related to important changes on motivational and emotional behaviors such as sensation seeking. Other important behavioral changes are social approach, a higher variety of opportunity for personal choices, and development of personal independence. Research on a second aspect has focused on cognition. A review of research is presented showing enhanced abilities during adolescence development for reading, abstract and logical thinking, and novel problem solving. Stress reactivity is the third aspect of reviewed psychobiological mechanisms. The stress biological system undergoes important changes during adolescence, including changes on stress-related hormones and neural architecture. An important issue is that exposure to early and/or chronic stressful circumstances during adolescence could be related to higher risk to the start and maintenance of addiction states, as suggested by research assessing the disruptive effects of stress on psychobiological homeostatic processes needed to maintain stable biological and emotional regulation. The fourth aspect is psychobiology. In this section research is reviewed related to the development of monoaminergic brain circuits underlying motivation, novelty-seeking, impulsivity, and addiction processes. Using as model the previous review integration, the effects of nicotine are discussed, the essential addictive component of tobacco, on the neurochemical systems underlying tobacco addiction. Following this, important research is introduced that describes psychobiological changes during adolescence and evidence of vulnerability to addiction during this life stage. Then, current research on both short-term and long-term effects of tobacco or nicotine administration during adolescence on the brain, behavior, and cognition is introduced. The current research advances and discussions on the psychobiology of addictions in general, and tobacco addiction in particular, have been possible to a large extent from the use of animal models and preclinical research, since animal models have become crucial to identify learning, motivational, emotional, and cognitive mechanisms that underlie addictive processes, and making possible to perform experimental procedures to discover the functioning and participation of biological components. One example of such components is the cholinergic system, which is activated by nicotine and is part of the neurochemical machinery on different brain areas important for both tobacco addiction and adolescence development such as the dorsal striatum, amygdala, ventral tegmental area, nucleus accumbens, prefrontal cortex, and hippocampus. The present review and research divulgation written in Spanish are expected to clarify modern research on addiction and encourage current scientific education on the vulnerabilities and predispositions for tobacco abuse in Latin-American countries.